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At Kapp Koncepts, we believe an eye-catching printed piece is still a valuable commodity, especially in today’s online world. Getting eyeballs on your branded messaging is as challenging as ever, but we’re up for it! We put our gears in motion to bring you appealing and effective printed pieces to drive your company messaging. We have relationships with numerous local print shops and can handle all facets of the process for you.

Graphic Design

We Love Graphic Design! There, we said it. 

The reason we love graphic design is not only because it has been a core service since our inception, but because it supports so much of what we do. And it keeps us on our toes. We are a graphic design firm who loves to get into the details with our clients and learn what makes them tick so we can deliver top-notch design pieces that promote your brand. Our design experience stretches across web design, printed-piece design, sports programs and logo development. 

Keeping an in-house designer allows us to easily and seamlessly support your messaging and branding for consistency and effectiveness. When someone goes to your website, we make sure it has consistent messaging so it matches the brochure they are holding in their hand. 

We love to see our clients put their best foot forward, and our graphic design skills are the tool which runs the machine. 

And you might be thinking, “What exactly is included in our graphic design toolbox?” Well, we can do it all. Including, but not limited to:

        • Mailers
        • Brochures
        • Direct mail pieces
        • Marketing collateral
        • Signage
        • Logos 
        • Letterhead
        • Graphics
        • Business cards
        • Sports programs
        • Web design


Let us know how we can help bring consistency to your brand.

Sports Programs

Local schools and sports organizations from all over the metro Atlanta area come to us to design and build sports program books. Sports program books keep memories alive for years to come. Where the photographer’s work ends, our work begins, by bringing you a professionally designed sports program that you will look back on one day and be glad you invested in true professionals. Through our local printers, we will deliver you a cherished keepsake for families. Sports programs can also be used as an avenue to raise funds for the school’s athletic program or organization. We build a relationship with each school and organization. You will probably see us in attendance at games cheering your team! 

We are always flexible to meet your needs. But most of the programs we design and build are full color, 8 ½” x 11”, come in multiple types of binding, and include all the gears and gadgets that make you the unique school or organization that you are. Let us worry about the details. You get to cherish the memories of a great season!

Printed Pieces

Your brand needs consistency.

We design logos, business cards, letterhead, direct-mail pieces (postcards, letters, inserts), brochures and marketing collateral, and signage.

We are able to create a consistent “look and feel” for your company online and offline. When someone goes to your website, does it have a similar message as the brochure they are holding in their hand? With our team of marketing and graphic design professionals, it will!